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Game Projects

Skill Level: Beginner

Platforms: Unity Game Engine, Visual Studio Code: Java

Programming Languages: Java, C#

The World of Fes
- Java 2D API

Gameplay: Explore 'The World of Fes' by navigating through the poisonous maze, collecting as many trinkets                              apossible.
Colliding with the                         walls of the maze will cause the game                          to end.

Technical Features:
- Collision Detection, Animation, Scoring, Pause/Play, Sound Effects, Keyboard Navigation


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Hunting the House

The AR game that will get persons moving! Players answer riddles by searching for and scanning items throughout their home in House Mode, or walk around their home to help the dog-walker capture her runaway puppies in Hunt Mode.

Team: Developed in collaboration with Chrissanee Abraham-James and Kyle James. Supervised by Dr. Diana Ragbir-Shripat
Roles: Project Management, UI/UX Development, Documentation
Technologies: Unity, Unity AR Foundation; Google ARCore & Apple XR
Project Duration: 14 weeks
Project Documentation:

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The World of Fes
(Extended Version)

- Java 2D API


Explore ‘The World of Fes’ through 4 mini games: The Maze of Fes, Draft Breaker, Fairydust Collector, and last but not least Wing Hunt!

  • The Maze of Fes: Navigate the Maze to collect trinkets, colliding in walls will end the game.

  • Crate Breaker: Use the magic boulder to break the quickly encroaching blocks to help defend Fes’ world. This game follows the popular base game model, brick breaker. **incomplete**

  • Fairydust Collector: Collect as much fairy dust as possible using Fes’ bag. This mini game is modeled using the mechanisms of the game built in assignment one of the course. The speed will increase as the game progresses. The game is over when the wrong item (an acorn) is caught.

  • Wing Hunt!: Help Fes retrieve her missing wings by running through the mystical world,  avoiding obstacles such as flying objects and bosses, jump to elevated platforms and find Fes’ wings at the end of the second level.

Technical Features:
- TileMaps, Levels, Collision Detection, Animation, Scoring, Horizontal Scrolling, Pause/Play, Restart, Jumping, Object Growth, Sound Effects, Keyboard Navigation

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© 2023 by Aliyah John

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